0425 763 973


Holly’s Backyard Bees run a series of workshops and education programs for both children and adults.

Honey Bee Incursion
Australian Native bee/insect hotel making
Queensland Fruit Fly Incursion
Beeswax food wrap incursion
Candle making incursion
Beekeeping experiences for children
Introduction to backyard beekeeping workshop
Beeswax wrap and candle making workshop

Kindergarten/Primary School incursions

Our children's programs, the Mini Beasts Series include:

Honey Bee Incursion

Download Bee Incursion Flyer

Australian Native bee/insect hotel making

Download Australian Native Bee Incursion Flyer

Queensland fruit fly incursion

Queensland fruit fly (QFF) is a pest which is having significant impacts on the way we grow food. Together with Agriculture Victoria and Agribusiness Yarra Valley, we have developed a free online education program. Designed for use with primary students, the online QFF learning package assists educators and schools in raising awareness about what QFF is, what we can do to prevent it, and how to respond to a detection.
Click here to view the free videos and resources to get started!

Beeswax food wrap incursion

Candle making incursion

Beekeeping experiences for children


Adult Beekeeping Education:

Introduction to backyard beekeeping workshop

Register Your Interest


Beeswax wrap and candle making workshop

holly's bees

Your Say

“Holly’s Backyard Pantry has been a fantastic incursion for our kinder students. Holly’s friendly and approachable manner has encouraged every student to experience the life of bees first-hand. Meeting a real bee colony up close is such a unique experience and our students learn so much through this program.”

Sarah Wheatland (Kindergarten Teacher)